PT. Seacon Logistik
: 00239
Member ID
: Mar 05, 2020 - Jun 06, 2027
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Introduction Introduction

Seacon Logistik is a logistics company based in Indonesia that offers a wide range of services to help businesses manage their supply chain operations.
Some of the services offered by Seacon Logistik include:

1. Freight Forwarding

2. Customs Clearance

3. Warehousing and Distribution

4. Project Cargo Management

Overall, Seacon Logistik offers a comprehensive range of logistics services designed to help businesses streamline their supply chain operations and optimize their logistics processes.

PT. Seacon Logistik

Country/Region: Indonesia

City: Jakarta

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  • FCL
  • FCL
  • Trailer
Logistics CapacityLogistics Capacity
North America 10.00 %
South America 10.00 %
Africa 15.00 %
Asia 30.00 %
Europe 20.00 %
Oceania 10.00 %
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